Thursday, February 21, 2008

My new favorite song

After seeing KIDS last week, the theme song just kept replaying itself in my head so I looked it up. The refrain is totally catchy.

Makihara Noriyuki has a bunch of other songs out, but I never paid much attention to him when he appeared on music programs and stuff. It's amazing how much impact movies have on my attention. If it weren't for the movie, I probably wouldn't have even noticed this song.

I like the meaning of it. I believe the purpose of life isn't to leave our mark on the world, but to help others along on their way to doing good for themselves. The song sort of shares this sentiment. I think a lot of people enter the medical field because they have dreams of helping others, then unfortunately get caught up in the stress of life and the politics of the industry. I have no qualms about giving up that path. It might not be as hands-on as the medical field, but I love what I do now and know I'm affecting at least a few of the people I come in contact with. I can't say for sure, but I'm hoping it's in a good way!

I'm not so good at translating but roughly it says,
Fearless, I jump ahead in front of me.
I'm led by the path that I'm meant to follow;
it leads me like the dim glow of a firefly.
If I can't find a reason for myself to live,
I want to be the trigger that might bring about someone else's happiness.
That's why I will keep on living.

There were other videos on YouTube with better quality, but this one has the lyrics to follow along with.

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