Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Death Note 3 - L Change the World

After getting my hair cut Sunday I hurried over to Wasada Town to catch this movie, and made it just in time for the previews (which I enjoy, although I sometimes regret that they reveal too much). I bought the book back in December on the day it came out and just haven't had time to get to it yet. I'm still impressed with how they turned the original books, primarily made up of logical arguments and deductive reasoning, into a movie. They were filled with phrases like "If this, then that. But if not that, then this." Then you have to keep those hypothetical situations in mind while reading the next 20 pages to find out what really happened. Anyhow I was impressed with how they made the movies.

Unfortunately the third movie was totally different. I was hoping for some of the wit and plot-twists that made the first two movies interesting, but this one had nothing to do with the mysterious death notes and the first half was poorly scripted. There didn't seem to be any motive behind the characters' actions, and they were violent or sad for odd reasons, or sometimes for no reason at all. The actors did a wonderful job playing their parts, but their lines were weird and the director needs to be fired.

The verdict: I should have waited for it to come out on video. And I'm hoping the book is more interesting.

At the end of a movie I usually wait until the credits finish rolling and the lights come on before I get up to leave. I know a lot of people do this, but I don't know why anyone else does. I do it because it gives me a chance to reflect on the movie and replay favorite scenes in my head while it's still dark and quiet, without any distractions. Occasionally there's an important extra scene at the end that most people miss because they're eager to leave, like in the X-Men. And this one, too.


delta said...

Hello! It's my first time commenting here...
I can't help my curiocity when I read your last sentence. L movie has an extra scene!! I left the movie as soon as the screen goes black -_-;; Would you mind telling what that extra scene about? Because I'm quite upset the ending didn't show what L did after he walked away....... !

inertbat said...

Hi there! Thanks for your comment! (^o^)ノIt was a really brief scene with L pensively squatting in the chair in his room, then he suddenly jumps off and walks away, but at the bottom of the screen it says 「エルは安らかに眠る」. It made me feel a bit sad.

delta said...

for some reason my previous comment disappeared after posting... so here it is again =D

i'm relieved nothing changed on L for the remaining of his life. i prefer L's character than Kira, so i find it hard to accept that L is gone in the end. but since he died peacefully, that's more comforting. thanks a lot for the info!!

inertbat said...

no problem! I agree... L's character is much more interesting. Too bad they killed him off! Thanks again for posting... hope to see you around again :)

Joel Swagman said...

I was curious to see this movie after watching Death note 1 and 2, but I guess after your review I'll just wait for the video. Thanks for the heads up

Anonymous said...

You don't need to wait for the video. watch it online. Actually, if you try to forget that its related to the death note series, then its actually quite entertaining. Well, i thought it was alright, anyway. There were some annoying moments, but they happen in all spinoff movies, so i just let it go.