Thursday, December 13, 2007

Word Game

I stumbled upon this word game and got 26 of 33. The remaining 7 are bothering me and if I can't figure them out by the end of the day, I'll resort to internet searching to find the answers!

So far I can't figure out these...

***updated 11:10 p.m.***

6. 52 C in a P (W J)
Finally got it while sitting at my desk. Probably took so long to figure out cuz I haven't touched one in years!

16. 100 C in a D
Thanks, cyano... so true! I can't believe it stumped me!

19. 13 is U F S
Suddenly came to me while driving to work. I like this one - so creative!

28. 23 P of C in the H B
Given my major in university, I should have figured it out sooner!

29. 64 S on a C B
still no clue... 64 Seamen on a Communist Boat?
***Dec 23... I finally figured it out!***

31. 6 B to an O in C
still no clue... 6 Babies to an Oven in Cubes?
***Used the internet to find the answer... I've never played this game and don't know the rules, so would never have gotten it on my own...***

33. 15 M on a D M C
I got the first M, and google told me the rest. I never would have gotten this one in a million years.


Anonymous said...

6. 52 cards in a pack (without jokers)

You're on your own with the rest! :p

Anonymous said...

Okay, one more. If you were still living in the states, you probably would've gotten this one!

16. 100 cents in a dollar

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is really the last one!

19. 13 is unlucky for some