Sunday, February 04, 2007

Plum Blossoms

A couple weeks ago I was killing time in a garden store and spontaneously bought a Plum Blossom bonsai tree. It looked like a bunch of bare branches at the time, but in the past few days the buds have blossomed!The sweet scent emanating from the flowers isn't very strong, but occasionally I catch a whiff while sitting at the computer.

I'm not sure how long the blossoms last . . . probably not very long because they're so delicate and fall off at the slightest touch. Once the flowering has finished and the leaves start to come in, I'm supposed to cut off most of the branches to maintain the small bonsai size. Not really sure which branches to cut off so that it looks nice, so I'll probably end up asking around to see if anyone knows someone who cultivates bonsai trees.

I've always wanted a bonsai tree. This one's so perfect!


Speck said...

Wow! That's really pretty! I didn't know you could get flowering bonsai trees!

inertbat said...

Once I saw a bonsai orange tree. The fruit was normal-sized and so heavy for the branch they had to support the orange on stilts so it wouldn't take the branch off!