Monday, November 20, 2006

I can.

It's embarrassing to admit it, but I'm a super-dweeb when it comes to Buffy. Are you mentally prepared to experience my dweebiness (is that even a word) at full force? I've been going through the series again (thanks so much for the videos, Speck!) and the episode where Willow turns Amy-the-rat into a human again hit home for me. I am exactly like Willow. Except for no magic and rats turning into humans and stuff.

Willow couldn't reverse Amy into a human because she lacked magical ability. Through time Willow continued to grow stronger, then one day realized she could and turned Amy into a human again. She could have probably tried sooner, but she'd been so used to not being able to.

After coming to Japan there were so many Japanese videos I wanted to see, but I never understood what was going on and always got lost because I lacked Japanese ability. I had to constantly replay scenes to look words up in the dictionary and was still confused. Going to the movies was completely unthinkable.

It's been over a year since I've watched any videos. Unless I have someone next to me to explain all the difficult bits, watching them is pointless. But I REALLY wanted to see Death Note and even though I'd be confused the whole time, braved the movies on my own (yeah, I saw it by myself - loner with no friends, poor poor me). Then halfway through the movie I realized, hey! I understand everything! So you see I'm just like Willow. I suddenly realized I can. And you're probably thinking this is a flimsy comparison, but for me this is life-changing. Actually not really.

This opens up a whole new world for me! I can go see Japanese movies now! And I can also rent those movies that I've been wanting to see but haven't because they're in Japanese. All those ninja movies. On top of being a Buffy dweeb, I'm going to become a ninja nerd. Oh I can't wait.

1 comment:

Speck said...

Good for you!! I still fondly remember the time I watched Predator when we were in Kyoto. Gotta love those Arnold Schwarenegger movies - you don't really need dialogue.

That's great that you feel prepared to see movies now!

Did you watch Heroes yet? It's getting so good! I have three more eps so far. When I fill a tape, I'll mail it to you.