Friday, November 10, 2006

Damn cramp

Just got back from the pool. In the middle of my 20th lap I felt a growing tightness in my calf that grew into a paralyzing pain. Probably would have drowned if I'd been swimming in the ocean. It's been over an hour and it still hurts, making me walk all gimpy.

The other day it dawned on me that swimming is just like meditation. You take a deep breath and slowly let it out, clearing your mind of everything and concentrating on minute physical sensations. The regular, timed breathing is so relaxing. For me it takes about 7 laps for my body to get used to the increased heartrate and find a good pace, then it just goes on autopilot and I get lost in my breathing rhythm.

Except today there were a bunch of people pushing themselves in my lane, so I kept up with them and ignored the tightness in my chest and arms. And then that damned cramp made me cut the workout short. Not enough leg stretches, I guess.

The good news is that after a few weeks of protein supplements, I'm not a walking skeleton anymore. There's a layer of something covering my upper arm, and I'm hoping it's a muscle.

1 comment:

Speck said...

Hey! You look good! I was going to say that your picture looks like you've gained some weight. You're looking much better. Love the hair cut. That sounds like such a good experience!

Thanks so much for the Melty Kiss and other chocolate! They are so yummy yummy yummy.