Monday, March 10, 2008


I have the potential within me to be a total game nerd, but unfortunately lack the time to feed my game cravings and let them blossom into a full-blown obsession. I was in university when the Playstation came out and since I didn't even have a TV during those four years, I didn't have the option of rotting my brain through video games, and had to rely on simple alcohol. Then I came to Japan and bought a Playstation, but I couldn't play anything because of the language barrier so my Playstation got more use as a DVD player (game consoles and software are marked by region, so my Japanese playstation only plays Japanese games). I missed the whole X-Box rush that happened back in the States because it never made it over here.

Last night I was reminiscing about how back in university someone had installed a game called Warcraft on one of the computers in the lounge, which (to my downfall?) I discovered and became addicted to. I couldn't stop playing. I loved the thrill of racing to beat the computer... it was tough finding a balance between building up a camp and raiding nearby villages. I generally chose to be the orcish horde and crushed those pesky little humans. The voices of each character were also comical enough that I still remember exactly how they sound when you click on them. My favorite was the peon - it sounded like Scooby Doo was saying "Ready to wooork!"

So anyhow last night I remembered how much I loved Warcraft, and I looked it up. Apparently in 2002, Warcraft 3 came out and there was a link for a downloadable demo. As you can already imagine, the game freak inside me flared to life and I played for 4 hours straight. The demo had whet my appetite and I craved for more. I got on-line and was about to order the full version, but when I saw that international shipping cost more than the original game, the extension pack and two guidebooks put together, my dream came to an abrupt halt. It was fun, but not worth spending that much on shipping.

Then tonight I was talking to someone who happened to mention a game that he just finished playing. Warcraft 3!!! What a coincidence!!! He'll lend it to me next time we see each other. Now if that's not fate then I don't know what is. I'm meant to be a game nerd.

The nerd inside me shall live.

It's only a matter of time before my obsession completely overwhelms me and I become a true game nerd - the kind that's too busy to eat or sleep or shower because the game must come first. The countdown begins...


Speck said...

You are so cute!
I knew you looked like a gamer. Just don't forget to eat!

Anonymous said...

World of Warcraft is still a popular game here in America even though it's been around for a few years. I haven't played it, though, because I've heard it's highly addictive and there's no way to actually "finish" it since it's an MMO (massively multiplayer online) game. Video game consoles have come a long way since we were in high school, especially if you have a broadband internet connection and high definition TV to play them on. You'd definitely need to learn how to talk trash to people on Xbox Live. :)

inertbat said...

There's a 7-day trial for World of Warcraft, too, but I'm staying away. That would simply be the end of me!