Monday, August 13, 2007

All work and no play

I finally have time to breathe! After getting back from Hawaii and Las Vegas I suddenly realized I had to prepare for a 2-week English seminar for Middle School Students. I thought the seminar was in late August, but I got a call saying it started in late July (I went into panic-mode for a little bit). I didn't have time to rearrange my normal lessons to make room for the seminar, so I did the seminar in the day, my normal lessons at night, and did makeup lessons whenever I could fit them. For 16 days I worked from 10am-10pm and thank goodness we have Obon holidays this week (3 days off to worship your dead ancestors) or I would be dead myself.

Incidentally the Japanese have a word specifically to describe death from working too hard (karoshi), which nicely demonstrates the Japanese ideal that work should always come first. It seems to be a given that work even comes before your own health and the school that held the seminar is a perfect example... the entire seminar was planned beforehand and each teacher had their own classes, and there was no room for getting sick because no one could replace you.

By the way the school offered me a full-time job starting in September and I decided to take it because my VISA expires in October, and they'll sponsor me for a new one. I debated on whether or not it was the best way to get a VISA but decided to take it in the end. Mainly I was worried that we don't get any national holidays or sick days or paid vacation, but they make up for that in the four weeks per year that the school is closed and there aren't any classes.

It's an English cram school and my work hours would be 4pm-10pm on weekdays. I'll have to keep working my part-time day job at the high school until the contract finishes, and I may renew that one in April if my health isn't suffering. I like those classes. I've also been letting my night classes know that I won't be able to teach them on weeknights anymore and have been looking for teachers to replace me. Unfortunately several of them don't want to switch teachers and I've foolishly begun to offer Saturday classes to students that seem most bothered by the change. Truthfully I love my students and don't want to let any of them go, but there just won't be enough time in the week to continue them all.

So starting September I'll be working roughly 55 hours a week. Holy smokes just seeing that number is making me worry. It's been easy filling up my schedule because I'm not working it yet, but we'll see how I feel when it actually starts. Working so much is pretty normal for most Japanese people, and now I'm truly becoming Japanese.

P.S. - photos from my trip in the next entry, I promise.

P.P.S. - Oh, I just remembered it's my birthday today! Happy Birthday to me!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! :)

Joel Swagman said...

And another happy birthday from me.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday from smo landing casually in your blog.

Speck said...

Hey! I knew it was coming up! I'm leaving Wed for CA and hope to get your package mailed that day. I've finished up the last of the TV tapes and now just have to buy some twinkies and peanut butter cups to finish it off! If you want anything more specific, email me ASAP.

Oh, by the way, the 'HOA' I mention in my blog stands for Home Owners Association. Sometimes the groups don't let you park in front of your house (on the street) overnight, or leave your garage door open too long, or they have to approve the color you paint your house, or make sure you mow your lawn and if it's too long you get a ticket, etc. It's supposedly so your neighborhood stays 'nice' and property values stay up. There's usually monthly dues, but also a clubhouse and pool for residents. I don't like the idea of someone telling me I can't park in front of my house, so I didn't want to buy a house in an HOA. Of course, that means nothing is stopping my neighbors from being bad, dirty, loud people, but that's the trade-off. Luckily so far I have awesome neighbors, but just found out the older couple next to me that have been there 27 years are selling their house. I'm a little fearful of who's going to move in. I hope it's not a family with brats...but if the kids are old enough, maybe I can pay them to do my yard work!

Speck said...

Oh, and yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Speck said...

I'm mailing your package tomorrow, Wed 8/15. Keep an eye out.

Unknown said...

Hi, somebody.
I happened to come to this page! Happy Birthday! Now you are a little bit older than I. Yay!

Now my work schedule is so crazy. From 8:00~22:00. Yikes! Literally All work and no play, or "little Anderson" for me!