Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Japanese are kinky.

Yes, I'm sure you already know about Japanese comic porn and slave clubs and hostess bars. But I heard about something new today!

Some friends were talking about something called "NyoTaiMori" which is sashimi (slices of raw fish) being served in a restaurant. Pretty normal, right? Except instead of the sashimi being served on a platter, they're served on a woman lying on the table. Supposedly this was pretty popular in big cities a few years back, but one friend was talking about how her brother works in a sushi restaurant and this was actually ordered, so that's how they served it. Which means they have women on-call to do that sort of thing?
The girl on the right with sunglasses on her head is the one who started talking about NyoTaiMori. She's constantly increasing my vocabulary of naughty Japanese.

The one behind her has the brother that serves sashimi. I haven't met her brother yet, but when I do, you can be sure about me getting all the details on this sushi-on-a-lady thing.

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